About Us


About Us: Let’s Talk Business
Hello! My name is Florence Fletcher. I am an entrepreneur passionate about helping other entrepreneurs survive through their day-to-day challenges. I believe that many owners of small businesses lose valuable time inefficiently doing work. Because of this, they may miss many opportunities that could have helped their business do better. I choose writing to do my small part in helping thousands of entrepreneurs stay informed about fundamentals in business and helpful information on the latest technological trends in an understandable manner.

My mission is to keep entrepreneurs like me informed about the ways we can leverage technology in our business’s favor. Many of us are ignorant or fear technology. I know that brick-and-mortar marketing methods have their benefits to supplement my brick-and-mortar business. However, in the ever-business conditions, entrepreneurs like me should be adaptable and willing to learn how to use technology for our business. I hope you find the information on my website helpful. Being ready to learn constantly is one of the primary hallmarks of a
successful entrepreneur.

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